Our Thriving on Country strategy is our approach to developing strong, respectful partnerships with First Nations Peoples.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have been caring for this continent’s lands and waters for tens of thousands of years, using sacred knowledge passed along through generations. These diverse practices and ways of knowing are essential for our mission to help people and nature thrive.

As the world seeks to accelerate ecosystem restoration as a proven measure against biodiversity loss and climate change, Greening Australia recognises the leadership roles First Nations Peoples must have in restoration efforts.

We are partnering with First Nations Peoples to combine the strength of sacred traditional knowledge with modern science, co-design programs that support community aspirations, build a diversely skilled restoration workforce, support the development of healing-Country enterprises, and increase long-term employment pathways in the growing restoration economy.

Two female Greening Australia staff members in dark-blue button up shirts speaking to a man in a black cowboy-style hat with a navy blue polo shirt outside Mungalla Station.

Healing Country, Healing People

Greening Australia’s story so far has been enriched by mutually respectful relationships between First Nations Peoples and members of our team. More recently, we have brought these local connections into national focus through our Thriving on Country strategy, which underpins and is interwoven through all Greening Australia’s programs of work – but we can and must do more.

Our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) outlines specific steps we’re taking to seek greater understanding, change our ways, and make a more meaningful contribution to reconciliation in Australia.

Read Greening Australia's RAP