
Restoring the Midlands – Connorville Field Day

Growing trees that survive, flourish and benefit the farm, wildlife and the community

Come along to this field day and hear practical reflections on undertaking 1,800 hectares of restoration plantings (Ross and Connorville) in the Midlands, and 10 years of associated research.

Topics covered on the field day will include:

  • The why, where and how of restoration in the Midlands
  • Choice of species and seed source for changing climates
  • Best cultivation techniques for dry landscapes
  • Fencing and caging to prevent browsing
  • Challenges and opportunities of direct seeding
  • Wide spaced plantings for stock shelter
  • Improving habitat for native animals
  • Monitoring performance by remote sensing
  • History of partnership and collaboration
  • Community and education

Please register for the event by emailing Dr Neil Davidson.
Links for further reading about the restoration:

Restoring the Midlands Partners:
Greening Australia, Tasmanian Land Conservancy, Bush Heritage Australia, Department of Primary Industries Parks Water and the Environment, University of Tasmania, NRM North, Tasmania Farmers and Graziers Association.

Restoring the Midlands Supporters:
Tasmanian State Government, Australian Federal Government, Ian Potter Foundation, Pennicott Wilderness Journeys, University of Tasmania, CSIRO, John Roberts Trust and 20 farmers.

Event details

Time and Date



Cressy TAS
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Free but RSVP essential

