
Glenthorne Community Planting Day

It’s planting season again! You’re invited to contribute to the ecological restoration of Glenthorne National Park – Ityapaiitpinna Yarta

We’re assisting National Parks & Wildlife Service SA with these events and invite you to come and get your hands dirty too, helping restore Glenthorne National Park-Ityamaiitpinna Yarta this winter.

All equipment will be provided, but please dress appropriately for the weather, bring your own sunscreen, water and a hat, and wear closed toe-shoes. Gloves can be supplied, but please bring your own if available.

Check in for the event will open from 9:30 am. We encourage you to check in early to enjoy a free coffee from the coffee cart. Please be aware that the day involves a 1 km walk out to the planting site, so it’s important to arrive in plenty of time.

There are multiple dates available – register to select your dates! See you at the park.

Register now

Event details

Time and Date



Glenthorne Ranger Station, O'Halloran Hill SA
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