Close encounter with a threatened species

Getting to see threatened species up-close is one of the joys of working for our environmental services unit.

Our environmental services unit found captured this Quenda – also known as the Southern Brown Bandicoot – in a small mammal trap while undertaking a fauna survey.

The team has recently commenced ecological restoration in a key urban remnant in Rockingham, WA, for Landcorp. The remnant is surrounded by industrial development but contains a healthy population of Quenda (Isoodon obesulus fusciventer) and vegetation representing a ‘Threatened Ecological Community’.

The recent survey represents the first iteration of a monitoring programme which seeks to monitor changes in the Quenda population over time. It is hoped that the species will benefit from on-ground management including weed control, revegetation and habitat protection.

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Southern Brown BandicootSouthern Brown Bandicoot

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